viernes, 1 de mayo de 2009

Iron Maiden BRASIL, Porto Alegre, (March 05, 2008)

Band:Iron Maiden

Date: 2008-03-05

Venue: Gigantinho

City: Porto Alegre, Brasil

Lineage: Bought it in an auction site, ripped through DVD Decrypter and shared here as released, no reauthoring, menu or chapter separation.

Audio is taken from the mixing desk
Video is taken from the screen feeder, 12 cams used.
Disc contains 4.33 GB

Video Attributes:
Video compression mode: MPEG-2
TV system: 525/60 (NTSC)
Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Display Mode: Only Pan&scan
Source picture resolution: 720x480 (525/60)
Frame Rate: 30.00
Source picture letterboxed: Not letterboxed
Bitrate: 4.25Mbps
Audio Attributes:
Audio Coding mode: Dolby Digital
Sampling Rate: 48kHz
Audio application mode: Not specified
Number of Audio channels: 2
Bitrate: 192 Kbps
Number of Audio streams: 1
Share and trade it freely, do not sell or distribute for profit. Do not convert to lossy formats. Support the artists buyin their official releases.

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